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Also include exercise in your lifestyle

Below are some simple exercise routines to include in your healthy lifestyle.  Being a vegan,  you will have the energy and the proper fuel for your body to include cardio, weight lifting, yoga and more to have an overall healthy body inside and out. 

To many Americans today are living a sedentary lifestyle.  Along with this and a eating the SAD diet can reak havic on a persons health causing an array of sicknesses, obesity,  and diseases.  By incorporating exercise through the week and eating a whole foods vegan diet you will aviod a growing epidemic.  So, I have included this section on some basic exercise ideas that you can include in your weekly routine. When you sign up, together we will inlcude a more detailed routine that fits your needs. 

Top 10 workouts to kick off your new exercise regime


Whether you are looking to lose weight or just stay healthy, cardio is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.  You should include either running, biking, hiking, walking, swimming, getting on a tread mill, eliptical, or something else that will bring your heart rate up to burn more fat calories. This has numerous health benefits which include:


lower body fat

lower heart rate

higher endurance

sleep better

reduce stress


You should be doing some form of cardio at least 4 days a week for an hour or 5-6 days a week for 30 minutes.  If you are looking to work your way up to more, than slowly increase that each week. 


how to tell if you are increasing your heart rate:



do cardio at 60 to 70% of your MHR.  



       HINT:  if you can talk in sentences you are not at your maximum, you should only beable to say a few words.


Strength training

Strength training is an important part of being healthy.  If you are afraid that you get big muscles dont worry, you wont unless you want to progress to that level. you can use your own body weight, free weights, bands or machines. We will find what works best for you and fits into your schedule. There are a number of health benifits to hitting the weights:


  • mangage body weight, as you increase toned muscles you will burn calories more effeciently 


  • as you age you begin to lose muscle mass, by wieght training you will help to preserve you muscles


  • you will become less fatigued and will have better balance


  • you will reduce chronic conditions such as, back pain, arthritis, obesity and diabetes. 




what you should be doing:


depending on what you goals are wether it is to lose weight or to maintain weight and tone muscles to stay healthy, here are a few tips:


  • warm up by doing some cardio for 10 to 15 minutes. never lift while      muscles are cold you could risk injury

  • lift on non consecutive days to let your muscles heal 

  • workout for 2 to 5 times a week. 

  •  â€‹start out with lighter weights and more reps 8 to 12 or until fatigued. then increase each week by 5 to 10% 

  • rest for about 30 - 60 seconds inbetween sets. 

  • do slow controlled reps







We will work out plan together that will best fit your needs and lifestyle where you will see maximum results. You will lose weight and feel great!

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